If you want to be healthy and tall . Below are some foods that are highly recommended as a natural body improvement to be done in everyday life .
- Calcium
is a major requirement in order to obtain pertumbuan healthy bones ,
milk 's role in health can provide the thickness of the bone and prevent
diseases such as osteoporosis and others. Calcium is not only needed for bones , but some organs of the body
also needs calcium intake , and therefore immediately consume milk that
has the proper calcium .
- Proteins , Minerals and Vitamins
is a substance that is rich with amino acids that have one of the best
enzymes in the body to repair cells and and can stimulate bone growth in
the body . The content of these foods can be obtained by consuming fish, milk and eggs . Also
note , there is a content of foods should not be consumed too much
because it can provide a barrier to exit for growth hormone HGH , for
example : carbohydrates and fats contained in the food of white rice ,
cereals , and breads . European society has proved this , by making the protein as a main dish in their daily lives rather than carbohydrates . From this posture is exactly why they are higher than the average Asian community .
- Fruits
Some fruits that contain Vitamin C plays an important role to
serve as an absorber of calcium and increase bone thickness in the body
and also of course if the requirements are met then the growth of bone
can be done .
- supplement
improvement body is a bona fide alternative to provide all the needs of
the bones of some foods above , they are all packed in a supplement to
meet the needs of bone . However
please note , that the role of supplements is not a magic supplement
that can elevate your body when you consume on the same day . And selecting the right supplements , very influential for bone health and your body in order to avoid harmful side effects .
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