Healthy food menus like Fruits. Fruits
generally contain high enough nutrition. But not all fruits contain vitamin
that is high enough. Fruits that have high nutritional value is a fruit that
contains vitamins and antioxidants. All the pieces are not the same quality
vitamins. There are 9 fruits that contain antioxidants and nutritional value is
high enough. We already know the names, but may not yet know what percentage of
the vitamin content. Here are the names of the fruits that have a high
nutritional value.
Oranges. An orange provides 50 to 70 mg of vitamin C, equivalent to the daily
requirement of vitamin C you. Oranges are also a source of fiber, folate, and
antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Citrus fruits can also help reduce blood
pressure and the risk of some cancers. Eat oranges in accordance with the
Apples. An apple with the skin meet 15 percent of your daily fiber needs. Apple
fiber helps lower cholesterol and facilitate digestion. Apples are also rich in
flavonoid antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and
cancer. A medium apple has about 80 calories.
Bananas. Who does not know bananas. The fruit is soft and sweet. Apparently the
banana has a high nutritional value. Bananas are rich in potassium and poor in
sodium, bananas help lower the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. A banana
contains about 400 mg of potassium. Bananas are also functioning in normalizing
the digestive system. Another benefit is that bananas can be a source of
natural energy as a medium banana has about 108 calories.
Apples. The fruit is hard enough, but it was nice. Right? Apple also has a high
vitamin content. An apple with the skin meet 15 percent of your daily fiber
needs. Apple fiber helps lower cholesterol and facilitate digestion. Apples are
also rich in flavonoid antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease,
stroke and cancer. A medium apple has about 80 calories.
Delima. Pomegranates do not lose nutrients with apples and bananas. One
pomegranate provides 40 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement.
Pomegranates also contain folate, fiber, potassium, niacin, vitamin A and E.
Anthocyanidins in the pomegranate has antioxidant properties and
anti-inflammatory drugs, which lower cholesterol and blood pressure, protect
teeth, prevent osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, leukemia,
lung cancer and prostate cancer. A pomegranate contains about 83 calories.
now learn to live a healthy life with a good menu. Full and balanced nutrition.
Regular exercise and can simply sleep. Do not forget every morning to eat
fruits so that your body remains healthy throughout the day.
Let's keep our health.
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